The organisational development design to complex programmes is focused on developing the skills and capability of leaders, managers and teams throughout the change process. The primary objective of this approach is to enable a mitigation of risk when delivering change. Working collaboratively to leverage relationships across the business will build a comprehensive analysis of the decision making and differences between the current and future states .
The primary objective is to enable a mitigation of risk when delivering change, which typically centres between the phases of resistance and engagement.
There are 7 reasons why people resist change and by working with the leaders and managers we are able to build their skill set to help manage their people through this risk zone.
Leadership is about taking a holistic approach to management that incorporates the whole person with staff and teams to help meet the needs of the business. Leaders need to be able to redefine and ensure boundaries and rules are established through a social context by using a high level of emotional intelligence that demonstrates benevolence to others.